Trading Strategy
Given the current scoring and analysis, we would consider a long position on HSAI. With $10,000 at our disposal, the strategy is to buy approximately 117 shares at an expected entry of $14.50 per share, targeting a profitable exit at $25.34, with a stop-loss placed at $11.451. This plan entails investing 17.11% of the available capital, respecting a risk-to-reward ratio of 1:3.55, which optimizes the potential upside while safeguarding against excessive loss. The entry and exit targets are influenced by price action near key levels and anticipated future market behavior spurred by positive sector news.
Equity: $10,000
Bias: Long
Allocation: 17.11%
Position Size: 117 shares
Entry Price: $14.50
Exit Price: $25.34
Stop-Loss Price: $11.451
Risk/Reward: 1:3.55