Ive been here three years; study strategy, read Investopedia, check out Ross Cameron and Roger Scott on utube. Finviz Barchart TradingView can all help you out. Create a vantage point and find your edge! You are on the right path but it won't be easy or fast.
Lol sounds like a seasoned pro.. I agreed fully with what u said.. I just want to add that although it is not easy but it is also not difficult if u know exactly what to do. There's a certain daily ongoing pattern..when u r able to spot it, it will be difficult for u to lose
Infinitely : Ive been here three years; study strategy, read Investopedia, check out Ross Cameron and Roger Scott on utube. Finviz Barchart TradingView can all help you out. Create a vantage point and find your edge! You are on the right path but it won't be easy or fast.
交流道的小赢熊 Infinitely : Lol sounds like a seasoned pro..
I agreed fully with what u said..
I just want to add that although it is not easy but it is also not difficult if u know exactly what to do.
There's a certain daily ongoing pattern..when u r able to spot it, it will be difficult for u to lose