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High-performance board information <<Nasdaq TotalView> can be used for free for a limited time!

In order to grasp stock price trendsLet's power up board information!

MOOMOO is now operated by the American Securities Dealers AssociationNasdaqWe have concluded a global strategic partnership with
Through our partnership with Nasdaq,Nasdaq TotalView which is high-performance board informationI have registered to use the moomoo appTo all users*We are offering 3 months free of charge for a limited time!

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High-performance board information <<Nasdaq TotalView> can be used for free for a limited time!

What is Nasdaq TotalView? For those who think
Let me explain it to you!
First, board information is a market data service that displays indicative values such as the price and transaction volume of buy and sell orders and provides them to investors.

Board information on US stocks is provided for each exchange, such as NYSE Arcabook (NYSE umbrella exchange), NYSE Openbook (NYSE), etc.

Nasdaq (NASDAQ exchange) board information is Nasdaq TotalView!

Also, there are the following levels in US stock board information.
High-performance board information <<Nasdaq TotalView> can be used for free for a limited time!
Compared to level 1 of Nasdaq TotalView, level 2 has 6 times the number of board information, so the amount of information increases by that amount.Up to 60Up to (60 buy boards and sell boards each), you can display buy order boards and sell order boards.

Since you can see what kind of buy/sell orders are in which price range, it is useful for analyzing market sentiment and making investment decisions. When it comes to stock investing, small differences in information can also make a difference in investment results!

This is a must-see opportunity for investors to use NASDAQTotalView Level 2 for free for a limited time!

In addition to board information up until now, board information from Nasdaq TotalView has joined the ranks!When trading individual US stocksThe amount of information related to supply and demand has changed drasticallyI will do it!

How can I use TotalView in the MooMoo app?
Tap any US stock, go to the individual stock page > Chart > scroll down, and check the board information.

Let's check Nasdaq TotalView from the “exchange mark”.Furthermore, it is also possible to display board information from multiple exchanges. You can select the number of board information to be displayed.
High-performance board information <<Nasdaq TotalView> can be used for free for a limited time!
I will be illustrating the board information interface so that you can better understand it.
High-performance board information <<Nasdaq TotalView> can be used for free for a limited time!

・The red area on the left is a buy order, and the green area on the right is a sell order.
・You can switch from “exchange mark (BBO switch)” to board information on other exchanges. Multiple displays are also possible.
・In “Board Information Customization,” board information can be customized, and “color coding,” “horizontal bar graphs,” “price aggregation,” and “sales distribution” can be personalized.
・In “Number of board information”, you can select the number of board information to be displayed. The maximum number of individual displays on Nasdaq TotalView is 30.
・The “trading distribution chart” reflects trends in individual stocks in real time. Looking at the supply and demand of buyers and sellers within the market can help you know short-term support and resistance lines.

When analyzing the trading distribution chart, the following 2 points are the key points.
1. Compare the ranges of the red and green areas
On the trading distribution chart, the red and green areas indicate the strength of buy orders and sell orders, respectively. If the red area is larger than the green area, it indicates that the strength of stock buy orders prevails.
2. Observe the slope and value of the lines in the red and green areas
The horizontal axis of the figure shows the sign value of the board, and the vertical axis shows the cumulative number of unfulfilled orders. The steeper the slope of the line, the more significant the increase in order volume. (This means that orders are concentrated)
High-performance board information <<Nasdaq TotalView> can be used for free for a limited time!

Let me explain using the reference image above. First, since the green area is large, sell orders are dominant. And almost vertical lines are clearly visible. If you press and hold on the trading distribution chart, cross coordinates will be displayed, and you can check specific values at specific locations.

In this case, the horizontal axis is $427.0 and the vertical axis is 3,379 (number of orders: Nasdaq totalview unit is 1 share). This indicates that there are a total of 3,379 shares of unexecuted orders currently lined up on the board, and sell orders priced lower than $427.0. At the same time, a large number of sell orders have accumulated at the $427.0 price point (which leads to a slope in the line), which also suggests that this price level may be a short-term support line.

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The free NASDAQ TotalView Level 2 high-performance board information is only available now for a limited time!
Tap the banner below and start using it!
High-performance board information <<Nasdaq TotalView> can be used for free for a limited time!
*Not limited to account holders, all registered users of the moomoo app are eligible.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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