early morning volume up to this post is only 16,000 shares that's nothing it's not like it's trading a million two million shares right now pre-market and there's a chance of enormous momentum buyers and small squeeze because there is no more gamma squeeze everybody understands that there's not this enormous overhanging short position in GameStop any longer it will never do what it once did the first time or the second time
look at this clown DB douchebag and that what your name is you want to spam on my posts go ahead do me a favor take your immense wealth of probably what 50 60 bucks that you found in the couch and do the opposite of what I do because you're going to be broke within a few weeks
OneDirection : Means you are gonna sell it?
Jopoloo : Where did you see it touch $60? I only saw it at 23.72.
10baggerbamm : early morning volume up to this post is only 16,000 shares that's nothing it's not like it's trading a million two million shares right now pre-market and there's a chance of enormous momentum buyers and small squeeze because there is no more gamma squeeze everybody understands that there's not this enormous overhanging short position in GameStop any longer it will never do what it once did the first time or the second time
104707790 10baggerbamm : 简单说就是上涨的概率变大了吗
Suicide_Solution 10baggerbamm : MR EXPERT DON'T KNOW SHIT
10baggerbamm : look at this clown DB douchebag and that what your name is you want to spam on my posts go ahead do me a favor take your immense wealth of probably what 50 60 bucks that you found in the couch and do the opposite of what I do because you're going to be broke within a few weeks
MillionsEveryYear OP OneDirection : most likely unless news change, my cost is 25.27
MillionsEveryYear OP Jopoloo : just having my optimistic delulu moment