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$Genetic Technologies (GENE.US)$ Genetic Technologies Launches Personalized Risk Testing on EasyDNA Platform
MT Newswires·
Genetic Technologies (ASX:GTG) launched the geneType Risk Assessment portfolio on its EasyDNA platform, according to a Thursday filing with the Australian Securities Exchange.
The availability of geneType on EasyDNA's consumer platform is expected to accelerate global access, potentially reaching 42 countries and generating annual revenues of AU$7.5 million, the filing said.
Tests in Australia and the US will be accessible through the EasyDNA platform and local medical providers through telehealth appointments and in-person engagements, according to the company.
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  • Arrayfunction : I was going to say this seemed kinda strange because the US regulators (more FTC than FDA)  have always been very strict in how genetic testing companies can advertise and present "health" information. (e.g. 23andme has "pre-dispositions" on "influencing the probability of developing" certain issues).

    And a quick Google seems to agree with that - only the sperm related testing is actually coming to the US market. Which might explain why I have only heard of the brand in the context of paternity testing 😅

    It will be interesting to see if this is the start of the US letting consumers have more direct access to that kind of information. I am more keen to agree that it's better overall to limit public consumer access.

    I haven't kept up with the field in the past decade, but around that time was when the importance of epigenomics and transcriptomics to be shown as playing a significant, if not greater, influence on actual phenotype than strictly genes.

  • Lnova : 😳😳 hmm. I will have to check this out. DNA is fascinating 😆👍
