102611832 : can be the next movie if one month keep like this!
股东小郭 OP 102611832 : Exactly
我叫辰哥 : 5000 waiting for you
股东小郭 OP 我叫辰哥 : Really, everyone, hold on to everyone, don't throw me into 14w
我叫辰哥 股东小郭 OP : Definitely not throw
102611832 : can be the next movie if one month keep like this!
股东小郭 OP 102611832 : Exactly
我叫辰哥 : 5000 waiting for you
股东小郭 OP 我叫辰哥 : Really, everyone, hold on to everyone, don't throw me into 14w
我叫辰哥 股东小郭 OP : Definitely not throw