73125363 : sell now, your last chance
Kristopher Kreuzer 73125363 : Last week was our last chance too. Keep talking shit while we take your hedge fund money.
Kicker168 73125363 : Nope. We ain’t gonna sell and We HODL and will buy more.
amiable Hedgehog_758 : If no one gonna sell it will go hi
Kricket : holding
73125363 : sell now, your last chance
Kristopher Kreuzer 73125363 : Last week was our last chance too. Keep talking shit while we take your hedge fund money.
Kicker168 73125363 : Nope. We ain’t gonna sell and We HODL and will buy more.
amiable Hedgehog_758 : If no one gonna sell it will go hi
Kricket : holding