will go to 80 or so...will take a couple of days ..will need democrat traders to get practical and buy in ...will need them a few days to sink in... n if musk remains true to truth social, can increase further
Ken Griffin Charity
DJT is divorced from reality. Smart money already bailed in the last few days because the idea was always to get out just before IV crush. The ones left belong to dumb money, and it’s going to be a game of chicken to see who cashes out first.
Ricky的音乐盒 : 60
101621687 : Seem like hard to go pass 55. Everytime hit around 55 will drop
Strain : will go to 80 or so...will take a couple of days ..will need democrat traders to get practical and buy in ...will need them a few days to sink in... n if musk remains true to truth social, can increase further
Arcadius 101621687 : Ure too naive
74672342 : Around 170.
Ricky的音乐盒 Strain : 游戏结束,开盘前跳水,主力出货
Ken Griffin Charity : DJT is divorced from reality. Smart money already bailed in the last few days because the idea was always to get out just before IV crush. The ones left belong to dumb money, and it’s going to be a game of chicken to see who cashes out first.
Nickhill : 70 is what the traders are saying
101621687 Arcadius : What do you think the price will go?
Ken Griffin Charity 101621687 : They don’t know. They just want everyone else to keep buying so they can cash out and dump their bags on you