Capital A shareholder will get 0.4 of AAX (or new company) as dividend, worth 80 cent per share as of now (Aax 2.00 per share x 0.4 = 0.80). Net of the 0.80 which declared as dividend in future, current market price is less than 20 cent now.
104716562 : why will be so low price ...??
LabubuProMax 104716562 : explain to me like im 5 years old. what business does capital A actually do?
bentanstone OP 104716562 : Capital A shareholder will get 0.4 of AAX (or new company) as dividend, worth 80 cent per share as of now (Aax 2.00 per share x 0.4 = 0.80). Net of the 0.80 which declared as dividend in future, current market price is less than 20 cent now.