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Humeind earnings analysis

Humeind's revenue and net profit for the quarter reached RM310.4 mil and RM61.1 mil, respectively. Net profit increased by 126.1% compared to the same period last year. I believe this quarter's revenue declined compared to the previous quarter mainly due to the fact that this quarter had more holidays and fewer days in February.
It is worth noting that compared to the same period last year, Humeind's finance cost also decreased a lot from RM7mil last year to RM4mil. The main reason was that he used the money he earned to repay his long-term loan; it was enough to reduce RM300 mile. Similarly, I believe another cement company will also use the money it earns to repay the loan.
Currently, Coal is still at a low level, and the price of cement is also at a high level. Currently, there also seems to be a trend of starting prices. Currently, it is still in an advantageous position for Humeind, and now more large-scale projects are needed to drive Humeind's future profits. The company also mentioned that the decline in revenue this quarter was due to seasonal effects. Humeind just sold RM39mil of land in February of this year, and I believe the deal will be completed in the second half of this year. Next, the company holds more cash, and can also use this cash to repay loans or even pay dividends to shareholders.
All in all, Humeind is still very healthy. Currently, Humeind has gone through 4 high growth quarters. The next thing we need to observe is how many large-scale projects Malaysia will award. We'll keep watching. $HUMEIND (5000.MY)$
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