Cash man dan
They’re not broke right and dealing with data centers , military and medical. Looks like a solid one to watch. Floats a little meh but the unknown shares are equal to the float
Cash man dan
Excellent point. I’ve scooped some up at low price with the hopes of 15% gains here maybe trap some new comers and the mm ( fat Toad) will hold it down for dilution then they scoop it up and let it go. Few months after elections
Boxman : This has barely moved up or down
Boxman : Better than .08
Cash man dan OP Boxman : Maybe zoom out on the chart
Boxman Cash man dan OP : Let’s check it out. Im gong on the idea with this one.
Boxman Cash man dan OP : Yeah what we got .18 back to August, thats not to bad
Boxman Cash man dan OP : They’re not broke right and dealing with data centers , military and medical. Looks like a solid one to watch.
Floats a little meh but the unknown shares are equal to the float
Boxman Cash man dan OP : Fat Toad has an issues with them, thats the only thing i see holding this back !! lol
Boxman Cash man dan OP : Nx2000 thinks Fat Toad is a problem
Cash man dan OP : I’m sure they will a have a pump soon and probably dilute it back and do another reverse split.
Boxman Cash man dan OP : Excellent point. I’ve scooped some up at low price with the hopes of 15% gains here maybe trap some new comers and the mm ( fat Toad) will hold it down for dilution then they scoop it up and let it go. Few months after elections
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