tbh it's soxl it's got us brainwashed lol I've watched this and CONL MSTX MSTU just blow up in my face while I sat with my that soxl going regain which it is lol but still the upside to those just investing in those etfs boyyyy lol
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡
lol so true true. But I cannot all in in one single company stock. So it is what it is. What if I had the same amount of call options for this one as my Soxl, I did calculations and I would have made 500k from my 40k capitals.
stock sniperr
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡
Why did you sell so early? Sometimes it's best not to look at the price for 6 months. Some people have a constant itch to sell
BuyLowSellHighTrader : Ouchhh that hurts
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP BuyLowSellHighTrader : This hurts so much, I had over 10 shares that would be a good money
Reds93 : tbh it's soxl it's got us brainwashed lol I've watched this and CONL MSTX MSTU just blow up in my face while I sat with my
that soxl going regain which it is lol but still the upside to those just investing in those etfs boyyyy lol
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP : At that time it was a good profit taking.
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Reds93 : lol so true true. But I cannot all in in one single company stock. So it is what it is. What if I had the same amount of call options for this one as my Soxl, I did calculations and I would have made 500k from my 40k capitals.
Jooooohn : Right about here..
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Jooooohn : Hahaha
Reds93 ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP : 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠soxl omg fuck lol
ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP Reds93 : Ahaha
stock sniperr ひな☆彡 SOXL ♡ OP : Why did you sell so early? Sometimes it's best not to look at the price for 6 months. Some people have a constant itch to sell
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