104964130 : It is impossible to get there.
103513870 : I'm still considering whether to join or not
105529272 : Just wait slowly 2.8
mumu newbie : enter at 2.80 then will dip to 2.50 and 2.
CryptoBets : it's falling and you want to cry even harder
量能 : Buy in when it rebounds at RM3.00, everyone fears my entry!
104964130 : It is impossible to get there.
103513870 : I'm still considering whether to join or not
105529272 : Just wait slowly 2.8
mumu newbie : enter at 2.80 then will dip to 2.50 and 2.
CryptoBets :

it's falling and you want to cry even harder 
量能 : Buy in when it rebounds at RM3.00, everyone fears my entry!