103723015 : Buy more now to balance? Look at individuals
韭菜是我是我 : no way to gain back the money
101831343 : This kind of junk stock comes out to scam . It's better to touch it less
DaNerfherder : damn I have to wait till 11.85 to break even, godspeed dude
103960590 : same.. me 22.5... will you sell? i sell now also fet back 100 dollars only... sad
nkimin OP 103960590 : Nah won't sell. I'm down 3k USD hahaha can only blame myself. I hope I wake up next year then this stock suddenly rise and make me back my money. NFA.
103960590 nkimin OP : ok... let's leave and say hi again next year... just hope it wont get delisted and we cant even hi hahaha...
103960590 nkimin OP : what is down 3k? u lost 3k?
nkimin OP 103960590 : yea currently the loss is at 3k lor
103723015 : Buy more now to balance? Look at individuals
韭菜是我是我 : no way to gain back the money
101831343 : This kind of junk stock comes out to scam . It's better to touch it less
DaNerfherder : damn I have to wait till 11.85 to break even, godspeed dude
103960590 : same.. me 22.5... will you sell? i sell now also fet back 100 dollars only... sad
nkimin OP 103960590 : Nah won't sell. I'm down 3k USD hahaha can only blame myself. I hope I wake up next year then this stock suddenly rise and make me back my money. NFA.
103960590 nkimin OP : ok... let's leave and say hi again next year... just hope it wont get delisted and we cant even hi hahaha...
103960590 nkimin OP : what is down 3k? u lost 3k?
nkimin OP 103960590 : yea currently the loss is at 3k lor