You need to understand a few concepts you're missing more than likely. Stocks move in "time-frames" daily, weekly, monthly, etc. "Position" if you buy a great stock at a ln all time high you're still in a bad "Position" because it will take so much more buying to increase value, wait for a pull back then take an entry, if bad news happens after you buy that will hurt as well, when a stock has low volume that can make it easier to drop the price. Follow the trend. Figure out how to create a stop loss on orders you execute to protect your investments. Learn how volatile a stock is before you buy it. Have a plan to exit. Hope this helps.
72744129 : You need to understand a few concepts you're missing more than likely. Stocks move in "time-frames" daily, weekly, monthly, etc. "Position" if you buy a great stock at a ln all time high you're still in a bad "Position" because it will take so much more buying to increase value, wait for a pull back then take an entry, if bad news happens after you buy that will hurt as well, when a stock has low volume that can make it easier to drop the price. Follow the trend. Figure out how to create a stop loss on orders you execute to protect your investments. Learn how volatile a stock is before you buy it. Have a plan to exit. Hope this helps.