103836821 : How do you get the finance widget to show?
103836821 103836821 : Nvm found it. Is it yahoo finance?
BigMoneyBolton787 OP 103836821 : It’s on the 15 pro max. This phone won’t let me make any mistakes.
BigMoneyBolton787 OP : Try your settings and go to widget and edit. Or try holding Home Screen and edit it there
103836821 : How do you get the finance widget to show?
103836821 103836821 : Nvm found it. Is it yahoo finance?
BigMoneyBolton787 OP 103836821 : It’s on the 15 pro max. This phone won’t let me make any mistakes.
BigMoneyBolton787 OP : Try your settings and go to widget and edit. Or try holding Home Screen and edit it there