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I'll post it again. I'm a little unsure. Yesterday S&P, NASD...

I'll post it again.
I'm a little unsure.
Yesterday S&P, NASDAQ, Rakuten Bang Card, etc. were up 1% or more, but all mutual funds have dropped to about minus 0.5..
In the first place, are the evaluation criteria for mutual funds related to exchange!?
I was thinking that the exchange rate would be involved when a profit was made, but...
I would be happy if someone could tell me about it.
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  • サクッとSP : Have you read the prospectus?
    I think the following is written.

    Foreign currency-denominated assets are affected by changes in the price of the asset itself, as well as changes in the exchange rate of the foreign currency against yen. For incorporated foreign currency-denominated assets, if the exchange rate of the foreign currency moves in the direction of appreciation of the yen, it becomes a factor that causes the base value to fall, and the investment principal may be interrupted.

    As the name suggests, mutual funds are investments. Basically, these are medium- to long-term hold products. Foreign exchange losses are commonplace.

    When the stock price index is negative, it turns positive due to the depreciation of the yen, and there are times when I'm lucky...

    When people become negative, they are creatures that are many times more damaged than positive emotions.

    Mind control without feeling disappointed is the most important part of investing.

  • 182701698 OP サクッとSP : Thank you for your comment m (__) m
    I didn't know exchange was included in the valuation. It's a learning experience. Thank you very much.

    I haven't been able to profit from mutual funds until now, so my perception may be wrong, but I thought that + and - would be added when profit is obtained + and - due to exchange rate fluctuations from the time of purchase separately from the increase in the valuation value, but is that different!?

    Everything is included in the valuation!?
    I'm sorry for being stupid m (__) m

  • サクッとSP : Influence on the exchange rate at the time of trading. However, mutual funds have errors on the contract date, and like individual ETFs, they are not traded at the rate of the trading order date. But there's nothing you can do about it.
    Today, the pattern is reversed. It can happen every day, so don't worry about it.
