小毛狸 : Add it? Add it? It's getting bigger! Waiting to fly
Daddy penguin : What’s your intended holding period? What was your plan when first bought? If these are still going to plan then is there any reason to sell
b34r : Why did you buy those Grab shares two years back? Are those reasons still valid? If so, hold on; if not, sell.
101769141 : I buy it at 3.00 sell at 3.45. Buy it again at 2.37 sell at 3.44....plan to buy again if it drop back to 2.37 again.
Jason Ho 8311 : Now add 400 shares
70669831 : Cover call
小毛狸 : Add it? Add it? It's getting bigger! Waiting to fly
Daddy penguin : What’s your intended holding period? What was your plan when first bought? If these are still going to plan then is there any reason to sell
b34r : Why did you buy those Grab shares two years back? Are those reasons still valid? If so, hold on; if not, sell.
101769141 : I buy it at 3.00 sell at 3.45. Buy it again at 2.37 sell at 3.44....plan to buy again if it drop back to 2.37 again.
Jason Ho 8311 : Now add 400 shares
70669831 : Cover call