WSF83 : Don't just say you don't practice; show us how much you've shorted
102156032 : Is there one? Didn't you see your amount? Still scammed?
5060 : no, you're not. proof ??? because I'm buying more. If I was to listen to dumb fucks I would not be up 10k. There's more to go.
86866 : Stop wasting your time here , go elsewhere if this is not for you . . .
WSF83 : Don't just say you don't practice; show us how much you've shorted
102156032 : Is there one? Didn't you see your amount? Still scammed?
5060 : no, you're not. proof ??? because I'm buying more. If I was to listen to dumb fucks I would not be up 10k. There's more to go.
86866 : Stop wasting your time here , go elsewhere if this is not for you . . .