错字攻天宇 : It's so high, if you have the chance, just give it a try.
Persona888 错字攻天宇 : if got the money and patience try buy more if believe it's still going up, this is good alternative
输了开心赢了更开心 OP : Sold, can't hang on the same tree
103407493 : I sold it, the fluctuation of this thing is too big, all consumed... Can't wait for the day it goes up.
1福星高照1 : I will know the specific details of China's policies by the end of October. I suggest waiting.
吸猫西施 : Evaluate the opportunity cost by oneself.
Radioactive Sashimi : Depends on how big is your position, and next time you really should set a stop loss
OK 哥 : You can increase your position, do short-term trading, and bring the price down.
happy go lucky 88 : hold it...till cny.
Jensen 108 : suggest to cut half and then DCA, hopefully reduce lost. I'm also doing it, mine at 47
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错字攻天宇 : It's so high, if you have the chance, just give it a try.
Persona888 错字攻天宇 : if got the money and patience try buy more if believe it's still going up, this is good alternative
输了开心赢了更开心 OP : Sold, can't hang on the same tree
103407493 : I sold it, the fluctuation of this thing is too big, all consumed... Can't wait for the day it goes up.
1福星高照1 : I will know the specific details of China's policies by the end of October. I suggest waiting.
吸猫西施 : Evaluate the opportunity cost by oneself.
Radioactive Sashimi : Depends on how big is your position, and next time you really should set a stop loss
OK 哥 : You can increase your position, do short-term trading, and bring the price down.
happy go lucky 88 : hold it...till cny.
Jensen 108 : suggest to cut half and then DCA, hopefully reduce lost. I'm also doing it, mine at 47
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