104830837 : A bit challenging! The situation indicates only a slight fluctuation between 2.3 and more?
CryptoBets OP 104830837 : Yes, wait.
我叫高進 高股猛進 : Split at the end of the year.
101683698 我叫高進 高股猛進 : What does that mean? Please advise
我叫高進 高股猛進 101683698 : Dividend stocks.
104830837 : A bit challenging! The situation indicates only a slight fluctuation between 2.3 and more?
CryptoBets OP 104830837 : Yes, wait.
我叫高進 高股猛進 : Split at the end of the year.
101683698 我叫高進 高股猛進 : What does that mean? Please advise
我叫高進 高股猛進 101683698 : Dividend stocks.