There is definitely a lot of year-end interest, but isn't this year the New Year's holiday gift market? Trump's inauguration is on the 20th.
That's true.Most things related to Donald Trump are going up, so I wonder what the next move will be. In relation to Bitcoin, it seems to be correlating with Bitcoin, and it's coming down quite a bit.
中長期ガチホマン : That's amazing~ I'm so jealous!
181078766 : There is definitely a lot of year-end interest, but isn't this year the New Year's holiday gift market? Trump's inauguration is on the 20th.
クリームあんみつ OP 中長期ガチホマン : It was just a coincidence. Among them, medium- to long-term Gachihoman will also visit
クリームあんみつ OP 181078766 : That's true.Most things related to Donald Trump are going up, so I wonder what the next move will be. In relation to Bitcoin, it seems to be correlating with Bitcoin, and it's coming down quite a bit.