104790679 : Why short
70959052 OP 104790679 : Im da man thats why deal with it bruh
104790679 70959052 OP : Good lucks bro
2025新起点 : How to short? I want to join
Rusty Shackleford 1 70959052 OP : Lol that is true MERICA
Timtan85 : Im a bull lets fight haha
70959052 OP 2025新起点 : Best short or sell calls
70195760 : Don’t short…this company has 2 billion cash. Even you don’t like its business, don’t short.
70959052 OP 70195760 : 2 billion is nothinf
引水資本 70195760 : Having 2 billion cash and not knowing what to do with it. It just proves they are not worthy of having 2 billion cash injected in the first place.
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104790679 : Why short
70959052 OP 104790679 : Im da man thats why deal with it bruh
104790679 70959052 OP : Good lucks bro
2025新起点 : How to short? I want to join
Rusty Shackleford 1 70959052 OP : Lol that is true MERICA
Timtan85 : Im a bull lets fight haha
70959052 OP 2025新起点 : Best short or sell calls
70195760 : Don’t short…this company has 2 billion cash. Even you don’t like its business, don’t short.
70959052 OP 70195760 : 2 billion is nothinf
引水資本 70195760 : Having 2 billion cash and not knowing what to do with it. It just proves they are not worthy of having 2 billion cash injected in the first place.
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