The Stock Prince : Good call….S&P inclusion decision tomorrow and it’s Friday so cannot take risk!
Detached House : Ya, think should take profit.
digimonX : Huh? I thought u kept saying s&p inclusion was sure & will make the stock rocket? u ran before s&p inclusion? Aiyo....
InfiltradeR digimonX : let it fly!!! Train had left the station.
102450266 : Thanks for selling all.
The Stock Prince digimonX : Buy the rumour sell the news! As always
digimonX The Stock Prince : The news is not even out, he ran already.
财神来 OP digimonX : buy low sell high. if u feel not high enough, please keep it until u feel it is high.
The Stock Prince : Good call….S&P inclusion decision tomorrow and it’s Friday so cannot take risk!
Detached House : Ya, think should take profit.
digimonX : Huh? I thought u kept saying s&p inclusion was sure & will make the stock rocket? u ran before s&p inclusion? Aiyo....
InfiltradeR digimonX : let it fly!!! Train had left the station.
102450266 : Thanks for selling all.
The Stock Prince digimonX : Buy the rumour sell the news! As always
digimonX The Stock Prince : The news is not even out, he ran already.
财神来 OP digimonX : buy low sell high. if u feel not high enough, please keep it until u feel it is high.