181418060 : Selling everything is the right choice. If the world correctly recognizes Tesla's immature technology, it will only return to $100. Tesla is bought by optimistic investors.
天狗様 OP : Seriously
Black tiger : There are users who have been scattering negative information about Tesla like Q Anno all the time, so I think it's better to block them
天狗様 OP : Yes, that's right. I was confused.
181418060 : Selling everything is the right choice. If the world correctly recognizes Tesla's immature technology, it will only return to $100. Tesla is bought by optimistic investors.
天狗様 OP : Seriously
Black tiger : There are users who have been scattering negative information about Tesla like Q Anno all the time, so I think it's better to block them
天狗様 OP : Yes, that's right. I was confused.