Doditty : Sold December callas open and bought the dip later in the day. At profit now you don’t understand what’s happening in china lol
YEGMaestro Doditty : What's happening? Share your insights
Doditty YEGMaestro : Think about Powell injecting trillions into the us market. That’s what’s happening in the Chinese market
YEGMaestro Doditty :
Doditty : Sold December callas open and bought the dip later in the day. At profit now
you don’t understand what’s happening in china lol
YEGMaestro Doditty : What's happening? Share your insights
Doditty YEGMaestro : Think about Powell injecting trillions into the us market. That’s what’s happening in the Chinese market
YEGMaestro Doditty :