short sellers post things like this when they're scared just before breakout. what chart is that. posts like this should put people in handcuffs. no one knows what direction it's going but everyone is a bit more optimistic since Monday
o poor baby. you have no trade badges visitors or followers you created a scam account just to suggest people sell a stock. I don't give a fk what you do but I'm speculating that you're manipulating people into taking unnecessary losses
Avengers 2023 : Once market open reach 110 short it.
西楚霸王 OP Avengers 2023 : Not sure if it even reaches 110, yesterday was a 7 percent increase. It may just drop today
Avengers 2023 西楚霸王 OP : If u still holding short it fast
NoGreedy : HODL
Ultratech : short sellers post things like this when they're scared just before breakout. what chart is that. posts like this should put people in handcuffs. no one knows what direction it's going but everyone is a bit more optimistic since Monday
西楚霸王 OP Ultratech : You are more likely to be handcuffed as I do not short sell. By definition it is slander
Ultratech 西楚霸王 OP : o poor baby. you have no trade badges visitors or followers you created a scam account just to suggest people sell a stock. I don't give a fk what you do but I'm speculating that you're manipulating people into taking unnecessary losses
西楚霸王 OP Ultratech : Look at the mirror and that’s exact
Ultratech 西楚霸王 OP : at least when i look in mirror im able to look myself in the eyes
西楚霸王 OP Ultratech : Lmao a good and mature trader is defined by badges. Funniest thing ever heard
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