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Id rather lose it all then regret everything.

$MicroCloud Hologram(HOLO.US)$ I went into this with the thought and the intention that I could lose and gain everything. if the boat sinks thats fine by me. I'm young and still learning.. is it dumb? might be but I put the amount i was risking to lose. I'm not pussying out. if the ship sinks thats fine.. " know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles a thousand victories.." - Sun Tzu
Id rather lose it all then regret everything.
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  • ElusiveTrader : knowing when to cut losses and fight another day is also a good strategy. Being down 50% on shares is pure hopeium

  • Mana_is OP ElusiveTrader : thank you. I really appreciate what u said and honestly you are correct. I am down 50% + but its money i don't need and use. if its gone its gone ill make more. I appreciate you 💗

  • RichardPC : My man.  Same here.  Money comes money goes.  If this money is lost it ain’t the end of the world.  But I’d rather stick with it and see it through.  You know how pissed I’d be if I sold to get some money and then it goes up.  I’ve already made the money back on another ticker.  So what I got here can sit.  Depending on how low it goes I might average down.  Either way I’m ok.  I knew the deal coming in!  Let it ride!

  • Mana_is OP RichardPC : exactly!!! If it moons 🌙  congrats to us!! if it dumps to hell to the point where the whole flicking company delists so be it. life goes on and will always be more doors and new opportunities

  • NercZ24 RichardPC : same here lol we are young but not to dumb shiit I remember selling some stocks I had and then they x10 in value I was so mad I lost money but it's a learning lesson to not let emotions control my money

  • RichardPC : We’ll see every one on the other side!  Be what it may be!

  • ElusiveTrader Mana_is OP : If you make these types of decisions today though you will make them in the future. No part of your trading plan saw this stock going under 1 dollar, it's completely ran from your original thesis. Next month you will have another "idea" and if it goes south you will "hold the line" because it's no big deal.
    money is time and time is money. Losing time is a big deal.

  • Mana_is OP ElusiveTrader : honestly you are right. I didn't just lose money but also the hard earned time I spent making that money. I really appreciate your honest criticism and  for future stocks ill do better. HOLO was genuinely my first and probably my last ever penny stock I put into because i realized how volatile and expensive it can be.. however my thesis consists of this.

    - 300m into a company worth 7.5million in market cap
    - high volume trades
    - holographic and AI company
    - meme stock
    - history and trends.

    I know I am new and learning I hope I can become good at this

  • ElusiveTrader Mana_is OP : You sound really intelligent it makes me happy and I think you'll have a great experience trading in your lifetime.
    Anything with penny on it is for poor people and harder to make profit.
    $1 Penny stocks versus $50 Blue chip stocks
    Penny slot machines versus $20 slot machines.
    $1 lottery tickets versus $50 lottery tickets.
    And so on.
    When you begin to learn less is more and quantity doesn't mean quality you'll vere from the holos, amcs, Shiba those types of people.
    Sure I can get 50 1 dollar lottery tickets for 50 bucks but I have a feeling 1 50 dollar lottery ticket would have a better chance.

  • RichardPC Mana_is OP : For sure I am super grateful for all opinions.  With this one specifically I’m just ok with seeing it to the end.  You see people say it’s going to be delisted but cmon let’s be honest that won’t happen over night.  Before that happens they will probably RS and regardless of your position.  If you’re good with numbers then you take advantage of averaging down.   And getting to a state where you could break even or even still come up.  

    Trading with emotion is the biggest no no. Trading with your head that’s a whole other story.  Now making plays where you go all in and are hoping but goes your way.  It’s a huge risk and I personally would never do so.    You always need to have reserve funds to be able to limit your losses.  Which means also having other tickers in your portfolio.

    Gotta have faith in yourself.  Which is why I’m ok with riding it out.  My other moves gave me the ability to play this one like a casino.  And we all know that you never play at the casino with money you can’t lose!  

    Either way I respect all opinions.  And am grateful for the help I’ve gotten throughout my experience!

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I'm new at this game. and my portfolio is down 40% so don't think im doing it correct.