so here's my questions to you number one do you have a long position that you're hedging that's the first question if you have a long position that you're hedging you have to hold it through Nvidia tomorrow if Nvidia is great the options go to zero but the long position recovers instantly if it's bad and you close out the position today you fuck yourself you can because you're no longer headged
if you bought puts just outright taking a shot then my question is how many contracts did you buy you only have one contract it's a moot point if you bought 20 contracts 30 contracts 100 contracts sell half take your original investment out and play with the house is chips if Nvidia rallies they go to zero you got your principal back you're safe if it collapses you still have the upside of the put and your principal was protected
Seng Hou : depend nvidia will save the world or not?
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP Seng Hou : Yeah ahaha idk I really don’t. This is really gambling atm
Warren Buffed : Clear direction after QR bro, now maybe because SMCI cqusing panics
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP Warren Buffed : Yeah reporting after trading hours right? Options are very hard
Warren Buffed ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP : Ahh. Options, its too complicated for me,,,
10baggerbamm : so here's my questions to you number one do you have a long position that you're hedging that's the first question if you have a long position that you're hedging you have to hold it through Nvidia tomorrow if Nvidia is great the options go to zero but the long position recovers instantly if it's bad and you close out the position today you fuck yourself you can because you're no longer headged
10baggerbamm : if you bought puts just outright taking a shot then my question is how many contracts did you buy you only have one contract it's a moot point if you bought 20 contracts 30 contracts 100 contracts sell half take your original investment out and play with the house is chips if Nvidia rallies they go to zero you got your principal back you're safe if it collapses you still have the upside of the put and your principal was protected
ひな☆彡 SOXL(Bull) OP 10baggerbamm : Yeah that’s right !!! Thanks for keeping me on the right track.
72993459 : they do this every time right before in video earnings
10baggerbamm 72993459 : they did it also before Blockbuster video earnings
sorry I had to do it I can't tell you how many times my voice recognition screws up and I say Nvidia and it comes out in video
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