When buying small stocks, pay attention to the timing, or consider increasing the position. Otherwise, it will be difficult to return to the medium to high stock price in the short term, and it will be difficult to sell.
When trading stocks, always set a 5% stop loss. Don't hesitate too much. We are just small retail investors, not big fish. It's hard to fight.
Kevin55 : wake up 8664
金融消费者 : Oh, I also held it, just sold it recently, thought it was bottoming out, who knew it could go even lower.
Carien OP 金融消费者 : I don't know how anymore. I hesitate to let go, but it hurts if I don't.
金融消费者 Carien OP : I have to consider this on my own. I have incurred a lot of losses and I'm afraid of selling before I lose everything.
金融消费者 : When buying small stocks, pay attention to the timing, or consider increasing the position. Otherwise, it will be difficult to return to the medium to high stock price in the short term, and it will be difficult to sell.
104383375 : When trading stocks, always set a 5% stop loss. Don't hesitate too much. We are just small retail investors, not big fish. It's hard to fight.
RUSHDAN ZAIM : it will wake up this Monday or Tuesday first week of September do not worry to much as investor.