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If you had bought high dividend list stocks a year ago

I looked it up because I have some free time.
This time, we will compare how much four high dividend list stocks have grown if you bought them a year ago (including dividends).
The results are
It became
It is growing more than poorly performing semiconductor stocks
In fact, because it is a high dividend stock with stable price movements, it is less likely to panic sell when it goes down, and as a result, it may be more profitable than investing in semiconductor stocks
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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  • HONDA N-ONE : Because you chose the rising stocks, of course there is profit. It's important to be careful because hindsight analysis doesn't always make sense.

  • トゥーナ OP HONDA N-ONE : そんなお声もあるかと思いまして様々な高配当株が組み込まれている
    $Wisdomtree Trust High Dividend Fund (DHS.US)$ も計算しております

  • おねご : About a year ago, I only invested in high-dividend stocks, but back then, stocks like [insert name] were considered outdated. In the end, I sold them, but I'm surprised to see that they have recovered so much...$AT&T (T.US)$ and $Verizon (VZ.US)$ I remember that value stocks like [insert name] were considered outdated. I ended up selling them, but I didn't expect them to bounce back like this... 🫣

  • トゥーナ OP おねご : Certainly, it wasn't getting much attention a year ago. In fact, if I explain further, the current US interest rate is 5.5%, so by depositing money with the central bank, you can expect a yield of 5.5% per year. Therefore, there hasn't been much appeal for investing in high-dividend stocks up until now. However, with the interest rate cut, the 5.5% annual return is starting to erode, so I think high-dividend stocks are being focused on again.

  • 張遼 トゥーナ OP : めちゃくちゃいいこという。勉強になります

  • SLTSGR : I was +36%.
    I only have 100 shares, but I am still happy 😊

投資歴は今5年目 上がる銘柄がだんだん分かるようになってきました 常に新しい発見を求めて勉強と実験中!