Few Understand This : Duh
103567352 : It's quite painful. Same idea.
13112024 : 收着啊
EDISON XU : What s your cost
103567352 : 131
b3n123 : Buy more when it drops below 125
105374571 : tml interest rate announcement.. shld hold
JTTC19 : The lesson i learnt… never panic sell. It will go up. A correction is normal. Just need to hold. But if you have long calls expiring soon, maybe cutting loss might be a good idea. if holding shares, just hold.. no expiry.
来这里看人炫富 : I don’t want to suggest anything. Read my previous post.
why 韭菜 OP EDISON XU : 138
Few Understand This : Duh
103567352 : It's quite painful. Same idea.
13112024 : 收着啊
EDISON XU : What s your cost
103567352 : 131
b3n123 : Buy more when it drops below 125
105374571 : tml interest rate announcement.. shld hold
JTTC19 : The lesson i learnt… never panic sell. It will go up. A correction is normal. Just need to hold. But if you have long calls expiring soon, maybe cutting loss might be a good idea. if holding shares, just hold.. no expiry.
来这里看人炫富 : I don’t want to suggest anything. Read my previous post.
why 韭菜 OP EDISON XU : 138