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‘Ignore the Noise’: Top Analyst Says Super Micro Computer Stock Could Triple

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  • 10baggerbamm : the real question that one needs to ask is triple from what price? I could care less about this analyst that was Morgan Stanley today the downgraded it from 960 to 450 or whatever his numbers are it's irrelevant he stinks if he was worth his paycheck he would have downgraded  near the top not today.   when these institutions and that's who selling right now these hedge funds when they start working together including and shorting you can't get in front of a train cuz you're going to get steamrolled.
    and that's what's happening buyers have stepped aside or they're contributing to the sell-offs because they're panicking and sometimes panic is a good thing I'll be the first to tell you if you're early on and you say I got to get out I got to get out the hair on my back of my head standing up then you've saved yourself a lot of grief anxiety and pain at this point in time especially in this company and there's many others that are breaking support and rolling over right now and are going to be much lower. so triple from where triple from 200 triple from 177 because if you look out on a weekly basis for its support or monthly basis it's a lot lower than where it is presently. it's not to say you can't get a bye program in today and it'll be up 15 points off the low.

  • 10baggerbamm : pt 2
    you just need to be very very careful I'll steal words from somebody on this forum earlier and I tip my hat to you he says" I'm going to continue hit and running. "
    and if you can get in make a quick buck and get out you get The Big brass Balls award for today.
    if you're going to be looking to buy a position in here it's a total guess where the bottom is going to be put in for any stock right now because most have broken support that's a fact most are in between one level in the next they're kind of in no man's land free fall zone.
    don't commit all your money number one don't commit all your money to one sector number two don't buy all on the same day number three.
    if you can't sleep at night you've overbought a stock or you've overbought a sector and avoid buying any more and let time heal wounds and the market over time and it might be 3 months 6 months 9 months I have no idea the buyer's gradually will come back and bid the stocks up.

  • joe black8 : You talk too much baggerman buzz off

  • Djakin470 : At this point, is the stock split still happening?

  • 10baggerbamm Djakin470 : oh it's going to happen there's no doubt about that.. and then you potentially have to contend with the same aftermath of Nvidia and broadcom where the people that bought it are saying well you know maybe I'm going to sell off 10% of my holdings 20% of my holdings because it use to be a very expensive stock and now they're going to have 10 shares for everyone. so they may choose to hold a little and sell a little and diversify
