KeepRelaxToTrend : US stocks are also red
Dannywl OP KeepRelaxToTrend : Haha ya, think will close app for few days, no eye see
KeepRelaxToTrend Dannywl OP : hahaI'm turning off numbers when transparent
DavidLau : Nothing to worry. Just stay calm.
Dannywl OP DavidLau : As whole world 80% of stock also in red, so I just ignore it hahaha
KeepRelaxToTrend : US stocks are also red
Dannywl OP KeepRelaxToTrend : Haha ya, think will close app for few days, no eye see
KeepRelaxToTrend Dannywl OP : haha
I'm turning off numbers when transparent
DavidLau : Nothing to worry. Just stay calm.
Dannywl OP DavidLau : As whole world 80% of stock also in red, so I just ignore it hahaha