103773561 : why?
Jaguar8 OP 103773561 : Read my ER post . They have more than doubled the earnings
T_Kale : You’re really good at picking out stocks. I’m trying to work on my analysis to get this good!
BuyHigh_SellLow : Is it a good idea to buy now?
Jaguar8 OP BuyHigh_SellLow : No volume yet
BuyHigh_SellLow Jaguar8 OP : When will be a good time?
Jaguar8 OP BuyHigh_SellLow : When there is volume right now look at the order book its thin
103773561 : why?
Jaguar8 OP 103773561 : Read my ER post . They have more than doubled the earnings
T_Kale : You’re really good at picking out stocks. I’m trying to work on my analysis to get this good!
BuyHigh_SellLow : Is it a good idea to buy now?
Jaguar8 OP BuyHigh_SellLow : No volume yet
BuyHigh_SellLow Jaguar8 OP : When will be a good time?
Jaguar8 OP BuyHigh_SellLow : When there is volume right now look at the order book its thin