Dally D
Yes he does, its why everyone make sure everyone know his agenda. He is not here to help anyone but himself. He shorted at a 1.80 now he want to keep people from buying and making him broke.
Dally D
It’s crazy how he is a short that is shorting this stock then say I’m going to keep people from buying this stock because I’m a good guy. No you are just protecting your short investment you took out on this stock
Only you are relentlessly working for the institutions/HF on this Moomoo forum! What a hard-earned money! And what's even more unfortunate is that you have no place to survive on the real battlefield like Reddit.
NoNo444 : you need it to be right to collect your winnings?
EZ_money : buy more? okay
KidPicasso76 : Do you have a position of any kind on this? Do you benefit from getting people to sell?
Dally D NoNo444 : Yes he does, its why everyone make sure everyone know his agenda. He is not here to help anyone but himself. He shorted at a 1.80 now he want to keep people from buying and making him broke.
Scfzxxsj : Right… you are here for everyone else
Dally D KidPicasso76 : Yes he shorted at 1.80 and now is trying to gatekeeper people from buying
Dally D Scfzxxsj : It’s crazy how he is a short that is shorting this stock then say I’m going to keep people from buying this stock because I’m a good guy
. No you are just protecting your short investment you took out on this stock
ChaosT : Only you are relentlessly working for the institutions/HF on this Moomoo forum! What a hard-earned money! And what's even more unfortunate is that you have no place to survive on the real battlefield like Reddit.
Dally D ChaosT : Hey be careful he got 25yrs of experience

ChaosT Dally D : Oh, that’s right! 25 yo of experience “scare” the
out of me bc it’s older than my age, this old 
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