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In order to win by investing, let's consider the “cost of proficiency”

Everyone uses your own investment and trade tactics”Proficiency costsHave you thought about”?
[Proficiency Costs]
It is the time until you understand that knowledge, know-how, and tactics, and be able to chew it on your own and use it until you put it into practice.
Furthermore, it is the time it takes from there until profits can be built up over a long period of time.
What is important is that just because the cost of proficiency is high does not necessarily mean that the return that can be obtained will be proportionately higher.
It's the same as not everyone who goes to a high school or seminar succeeds in investing.
Are you continuously making profits with the tactics you learned after studying extremely hard, spending many years, and making losses and paying high tuition fees? It would be great if we could arrive at a profitable tactic.
However, even if many people tackle various tactics, none of these will lead to significant results.
And the important point is,There are many Japanese people who go on endlessly getting no results even though the cost of proficiency is highThat's it.
In particular,The problem is that results don't come out by endlessly doing things with “predicting market prices” type of tactics with high proficiency costsIt is.
It's an investment truth, and no one would disagree with it.
I can't read stock price movements, and even if I make predictions, they don't come true That's the point.
Even though everyone knows it, they try to predict stock price movements using various approaches. That's why they work hard in the direction of predicting things they can't read even if they predict them. There's no way we can win with this.
When I was in my 20s and early 30s, I was obsessed with endlessly predicting the direction of the market price and how far it would rise or fall by investing in individual stocks. I think that's why we didn't win.
What is the “high proficiency cost” market price prediction method that I always deny in my videos
・Elliott Wave
・Merriman Cycles
・Price range theory (N value/E value/V value/VT value)
It's around the corner.
These are mostlyPredict the future direction of the marketThen, it is used to predict where it will rise or fall. However, if it's an Elliot wave, for example, I think it would probably be interpreted in 100 ways if there were 100 people.
Is this the 3rd wave up or the 5th wave, or is it the downward A wave?
It's 3 waves of increase in the medium term, but which one is the immediate forecast after all, like wave A, which is declining in the short term?

It varies from person to person. It probably differs from person to person in terms of time.
In price range theory, is it true that they ignore both ground and volatility and double back 2000 yen after 1000 yen reduction?
In the Merriman cycle, there is one cycle from the most recent low to the low. Aren't you forced to adjust to the cycle by saying it's 9 days or 9 weeks?
There are 8 or 11 days, though?
andThe form of going back to match later with a post-lectureIt becomes.
The cost of proficiency is high, and even if you clear them all and make predictions after having a certain level of knowledge, it will probably be relatively random.
This is because the market price's waveform and price range don't fit into the pattern so neatly. As a result, it depends on each individual's image of discretion.
SoEven though 95% of people paid high proficiency costs, there were no bad resultsThat's why.
To put it in a slightly more disgusting way...
High proficiency cost = difficult to be imitated by others = callers look special
Therefore, there is a fact that it is easy for callers and commodity stores to use.
This is a clunky way of saying it to those who are currently working hard to study and practice Elliott waves and cycle theory, and I think they will be scolded by those who are disseminating it as leading experts. But... this is also reality.

The theory that is small and difficult and requires proficiency costs can be obtained continuously with books and videos, but simple things you want to buy once you cross the 5MA are difficult to get money and are not continuously profitable.
It's too easy and everyone is going to graduate (lol)

Of course, I think the teachings of leading experts and people with authority are real, so I'm not denying that kind of reality. And whether it's Elliot or Merriman Cycle,If you were to say zero or one, that's fineProbably. There are also people who can achieve results with this.
That's not the problem,The problem is that only a small portion of the real thing is reproducibleWhat is it.
95% of people can't reach the real realm, no matter how high the cost is.
It's a waste of time.
Many people anticipate stock prices or the direction of stock prices, and take action that they want to secure maximum profit without having to give them their heads and tails as much as possible. And that's why they lose.
Since only 5% geniuses can reach something they can't predict, or something they don't know even if the direction is imminent, there's no way they can win. It's much simpler and easier for everyone to use something that gives the same results and then move on.
Reproducible for 95% of peopleThere is.
Technical and chart tactics are not used to make predictions,”Check the results and follow along as fast as possibleIt's used for”.
Since they make a mistake here, they make flagrant denials, such as “charts are useless” or “they do not predict the future.”
As much as applying cost (time) to the method for making predictions, everyone knows that it is much more accurate to not make predictions in the first place, and to take positions after the results come out = when a sign appears on the chart...
However, they go in the direction of predicting market prices because they want to make as much profit as possible and want to trade at good places.
At this point80% of people make mistakes in their way of thinking about market prices, investments, and tradingI'm doing it.
On top of that, they waste time by leaning towards methods that are even more expensive to learn, so there's no way you can win by thinking normally. It's almost definitely NO when it comes to whether profits can be accumulated over 1 year 3 5 years even if you get hit 1 time 2 times on beginner's luck or guru predictions.
The adage I arrived at through trial and error after facing the 25-year market price is as follows.
People who predict market prices can't win
People who can't cut losses lose a lot
First of all, I think your investment results will improve just by changing your own mindset on these two points.
Because I was like that.
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