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$Intel (INTC.US)$ other like nvda and amd down.. intel up.. ...

$Intel (INTC.US)$ other like nvda and amd down..
intel up..
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  • 10baggerbamm : the only way this dog shit trades higher is if gelsinger is removed as CEO.  they're going to sell off some of the most profitable acquisitions the company ever made in an effort to try to streamline operations. hey until you want to streamline operations unload that boat anchor CEO. gelsinger's made over 110 million while shareholders have lost over 75% of their investment since he has taken the helm of this ship that has capsized

  • 104973059 : Intel Penang cut 2000 jobs :(

  • Mkme 104973059 : I saw that too.

  • 103291848 10baggerbamm : it's still only 3 years into the 5 years plan though. The design segment of Intel seems to have turned the ship around with the recent Lunar lake (mobile) and arrow lake (desktop). But then there hasn't been reviews done by reviewers, but data from the company themselves

  • 10baggerbamm 103291848 : he has failed every step of the way what is it that you don't understand his whole focus has failed the whole product development this cycle is execution everything has failed but just keep throwing them another lifeline because he'll get it right this time I mean isn't that the definition of insanity he keeps doing everything wrong but this time it's going to be different.. and the foundries from the chips act are not going to be up and running in three and a half years it'll be probably be closer to 5 years and that's because they're so constrained with woke and dei hiring practices of who can build the Fab facilities and then who they must hire it's asinine but that's what you get when you do business with the devil when you sell out which is what gelsinger did and he accepted the terms of the chips act to get the money he's now choked off he can't do anything he wants and those businesses are going to be lost leaders they're not going to turn a profit. sexual preference,how they identity, minorities, must be followed to a T in order to hire people.
    it's a disgrace but that's the left in this country that's Biden Harris. the first ones that scream about not accepting people yet they put everybody into their own categories and qualify somebody by the color of their skin in the opening line of every 6:00 news story. they piss on the grave of the great Dr Martin Luther King in doing so. his dream of people being judged by the content of their character is what he gave his life for and yet these disgusting people in office take taxpayers money and promote segregation and racism in their hiring practices. Intel is doomed, I said it from $39 all the way down and nothing has changed.

  • 103291848 10baggerbamm : how did you go from Intel to Biden Harris and Martin Luther King, lmao

    but in any case, the foundry plan is definitely best defined as "fucked" due to how ambitiously they planned their expenses. However, the design segment for Intel's own nodes and their products are going well, that cannot be denied since the data is out there. What can also not be denied is they didn't plan out their expenses the way they should've.

  • 10baggerbamm 103291848 : there is a correlation because gelsinger is now bound by the Democratic dei woke agenda. and if you look at the history of companies that adopted this they get destroyed look at Budweiser they've never recovered Harley was ostracized at Sturgis this past year because they were flying rainbow flags in front of their 18-wheelers exhibits. Target their stock was crushed when they had separate sections in their stores promoting dei woke clothing lines. symbotic out of Massachusetts all they do is promote dei woke in every conference call every meeting they have seminars that employees are required to attend they're more focused on that than they are selling and look what's happened to their stock. and now you're seeing a reversal of companies that adopted this finally coming to terms and understanding that it's not best practices that they preach because best practices are equivalent to increasing overall operation efficiencies lean six sigma (nowhere is in lean six sigma is dei woke). so gelsinger is a failure he's failed as a CEO in the past he's failing yet again and now he must conform to dei woke in order to get this money from the taxpayers as part of the chips act. so use some basic logic it's failed for every other company and every other company that has stood by these practices their stock has suffered, then clearly intc is going to suffer also.

  • 103291848 10baggerbamm : the company is "failing" (if you can even call it that) because of IFS. Take a look at the earnings report and you'll see that every single sector is profiting, some is even higher YOY. However, the profits are all used to fund the IFS investments. The entire market doesn't like that due to the low utilisation of IFS itself (which is due to the fact that they had 3 accountants as CEO before Gelsinger, of whom chose profit over innovation). The low utilisation is mainly due to the inefficiencies of Intel's old nodes. The whole 14 nm +++++ meme is born from that.

    The fact that they are now considering lightening and withdrawing some plans for IFS, and restructuring their finance is a sign that they're finally waking up. Yes, a 15% layoff is bad, but they also have more employees than some of their competitors combined together. Hence why the 15% layoff made sense.

  • 10baggerbamm 103291848 : his decisions put the company in the position that it's in nobody else's gelsinger's so now his ass is in the media every day front and center and he tries to come up with his bullshit lame excuse of what he's going to do to turn the company around you can go read the report it came out a few weeks ago it's laughable it's just like these shit bags sitting in the Democratic office that caused problems and then pretend that they're going to come up with the solutions to solve the problems that they created. that's gelsinger in a nutshell he caused problems because of his misdirection and now he thinks he's going to fix them the only way to fix it is remove him from CEO just like Starbucks look at that fucking idiot that was running that company into the ground. he had an excuse for everything, they get rid of him  and what happens to the stock? go look it up. gelsinger has never accepted responsibility for his actions. if he's really concerned about the future of the company give back the 110 million dollars that he paid himself and let him earn his money based off of the future goals being achieved and exceeded of course we know both know that'll never happen

  • 103291848 10baggerbamm : I mean... let me know when you found a CEO of a billion/trillion dollars company that admitted to their own faults, lol.

    plus Gelsinger isn't fully at fault here, I agree that him hiding about 13/14th gen issues is a major problem. But the rest is not fully blamable on him. A company as big as Intel makes plans years ahead. What we've seen in 2022/3 is probably the aftermath of the actions of previous CEOs, I know for certain IFS is.

    Another example of plans made ahead was TSMC's N3 nodes. They had originally booked the order from TSMC in 2020, before Gelsinger came back to Intel. Hence why they used TSMC's nodes for lunar lake and arrow lake.

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