SANTA CLARA, Calif.-- (BUSINESS NEWS) --$Intel (INTC.US) $ Intel Corporation announced today that Eric Meurice (Eric Meurice), former president, CEO and chairman of the board of directors of Asmack Holdings, and Steve Sanghi (Steve Sanghi), chairman of the board and interim CEO of Microchip Technologies, have been appointed as members of Intel's board of directors with immediate effect. Both will serve as independent directors.
meme913 :
meme913 : Already announced.
meme913 : SANTA CLARA, Calif.-- (BUSINESS NEWS) --$Intel (INTC.US) $ Intel Corporation announced today that Eric Meurice (Eric Meurice), former president, CEO and chairman of the board of directors of Asmack Holdings, and Steve Sanghi (Steve Sanghi), chairman of the board and interim CEO of Microchip Technologies, have been appointed as members of Intel's board of directors with immediate effect. Both will serve as independent directors.
103811378 meme913 : But they not ceo la
meme913 : He's quite cool.
1032105461 meme913 : These are 2 new board of directors, not new CEO of Intel
meme913 1032105461 : 哦哦。
MonkeyGee : if that happens it would be sister NVDA