Rookie Trader Gary
Only thing it told us is that what happens in the past is way less important what could happen in the future (which may not happen anyway but ppl don’t care).
Its all about guidance... all traders and investors are greedy... if they know upcoming quarters the prospects aint looking good or benefit them to get more money, majority will always dump their stock and run..
RVLTN : Meta sux @$$!
Avengers 2023 RVLTN : Ya so unpredictable and disappointed.
GameOverBro : I already saw that IBM and Meta earnings beat could spike lower while Tesla earnings miss can spike higher.
because, of their VALUATION relative to earnings
Rookie Trader Gary : Only thing it told us is that what happens in the past is way less important what could happen in the future (which may not happen anyway but ppl don’t care).
OceansWave : Its all about guidance... all traders and investors are greedy... if they know upcoming quarters the prospects aint looking good or benefit them to get more money, majority will always dump their stock and run..
LightWhat : You might saw the other round of surprises during actual trading hours vs pre & post market
LightWhat OceansWave : All are manipulators indeed like everyone else
LightWhat : The prospect of AI monetisation will getting dimmer > dimmer might be the next thing in focus
Uncle Huart : meta been price in for the past few weeks..and Telsa too..