EZ_money : you missed the dip
naz_k OP EZ_money : i am not, i just close my position to early
EZ_money naz_k OP : yeah she's a little tricky
Flowerhill naz_k OP : Buy back, it will certainly go up. I sold PLTR too early too scared of crash, but bought back as a new stock.
EZ_money Flowerhill : i took profits today... changing indices doesn't change her revenue so .... I'm kinda regretting of letting it go but.... that's getting a little bit overvalued
naz_k OP EZ_money : here we go
赛斯 Flowerhill : 你和我一样 我现在最后悔的事就是把PLTR给贱卖掉
EZ_money : you missed the dip
naz_k OP EZ_money : i am not, i just close my position to early
EZ_money naz_k OP : yeah she's a little tricky
Flowerhill naz_k OP : Buy back, it will certainly go up. I sold PLTR too early too scared of crash, but bought back as a new stock.
EZ_money Flowerhill : i took profits today... changing indices doesn't change her revenue so .... I'm kinda regretting of letting it go but.... that's getting a little bit overvalued
naz_k OP EZ_money : here we go
赛斯 Flowerhill : 你和我一样 我现在最后悔的事就是把PLTR给贱卖掉