Personal Opinion
-The group business nature is related to steel, which is part of the commodities section and can have a greater price fluctuation.
-Many IPOs are coming soon, and individual can allocate their fund accordingly.
-Based on the major customers in FY2023 such as Yes Group and ECRL, they were involved in the industrial racking systems as well as scaffoldings and contributed an amount of RM34.14M, which might be seen as a potential in getting more construction-related projects.
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Jshen Ng OP : Reminder: Today is the closing date for BWYS IPO
Goh Maa Nee : how to subscribe
Jshen Ng OP Goh Maa Nee : You need to have a direct account like UOB, Mplus etc. or Moomoo is also available for IPO application
Goh Maa Nee Jshen Ng OP : but moomoo does not have BWYS
Jshen Ng OP Goh Maa Nee : If not mistaken they just launched this IPO subscription system recently and they have already made the coming IPOs available like Well Chip & Kucingko, you can check it out with the update from Moomoo ya
Goh Maa Nee Jshen Ng OP : thank you!!!
Jshen Ng OP Goh Maa Nee : You're welcome, happy trading
Jshen Ng OP : Congrats to all the shareholders