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IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock

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IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
Figure 1: IPO timetable of VANZO Holdings Berhad
-Will be listed on the ACE Board

Info of IPO
Enlarged no. of shares upon listing:  466.7511 million
IPO price: RM0.15
Market capitalization: RM70 million
Estimated funds to raise from Public Issue:  RM14.0 million
PE ratio = 13.72x (based on FY2023)
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
Figure 2: Business model of VANZO Holdings Berhad
Source: VANZO Holdings Berhad IPO prospectus
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
Figure 3: Utilization of proceeds of VANZO Holdings Berhad
Source: VANZO Holdings Berhad IPO prospectus

Dividend Policy
-The group does not have any formal dividend policy
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
Figure 5: Major customers and suppliers of VANZO Holdings Berhad in FPE2024
Source: VANZO Holdings Berhad IPO prospectus
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
Figure 6: Profit & Loss statement of VANZO Holdings Berhad
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
Figure 7: Financial position of VANZO Holdings Berhad
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
Figure 8: Market share of the air fragrance industry in Malaysia
Source: VANZO Holdings Berhad IPO prospectus
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
IPO Series - VANZO Holdings Berhad - 1st Bursa Air Fragrance / Perfume Maker Stock
Figure 9: Industry players from local and international
Source: VANZO Holdings Berhad IPO prospectus
Financial overview, industry market, and personal opinion
-From the provided profit and loss statement between FY2021 to FY2023, the PAT has grown exponentially from RM3.04 million to RM5.10 million, or translated to a CAGR of 29.52%. However, the company's trade receivables projected the same trend as the PAT, rising from RM736k to RM8.268 million, which might be a potential risk to the company’s financial health.
-According to the independent market research report, the air fragrance industry size in Malaysia had projected a CAGR of 10.7% from 2021 to 2023, and the subsequent years (2024 – 2026) are anticipated to have 9.0% due to several reasons, for instance, growing vehicle ownership, rising disposable income, etc.
-The growth of PAT has reduced the PE ratio of the company by almost 60 – 70%. Thus, by combining its issued price and market capitalization, it might have a certain rise during the listing day.
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By: Jshen Ng
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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