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Iron butterfly

Iron butterfly
Lesson learned if there is profit just take first without aiming for an option for expired maximum profit.
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  • 72862945 : i see a call credit spread.  I presume that you are talking about how SPX went down to the 5040s in the afternoon...so you were sitting pretty...but then the sky rocketed up towards the end of the trading day..  You definitely should have taken profits.... then do it again tomorrow.  Plus your expectation date is tomorrow so  yes... definitely take the profits TODAY...now you will have to sweat it out overnight.

  • intuition wealth OP : this morning I realized I am right. This is part of me saying leave it expire max loss $380 or max profit...I keep thinking it will go up last minute. it really happened until the last 30 min it went up. lesson learned trust your thoughts believe your instincts.

  • QM137over1 : I made a profit of $1,300 on a stock before, then bought another 4000, and this guy filed for bankruptcy[undefined]It sucked back the money I made[undefined]