OptionsKing : no if you own 50 shares you get 1....huge loss
101670657 OptionsKing : Don't believe this liar. If you own 50 shares, it will indeed become 1 share, but your average price will also increase, and then the market share price will also be raised.
consealit : Dont listen to him he is bs
Airbags OP OptionsKing : oh right
101670657 Airbags OP : report this liar
Rollercoaster05 OptionsKing : lollllll
101670657 : The shorties are already scared, so they're trying their best to spread fake news.
WeiTheSaint469 OptionsKing : You know it will be converted to same value. just fluctuates alot more since rs decreases total shares.
OptionsKing : If I'm so full of it, why yall getting mad and why is it tanking....
eh2021 : No benefits, just more losses
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OptionsKing : no if you own 50 shares you get 1....huge loss
101670657 OptionsKing : Don't believe this liar. If you own 50 shares, it will indeed become 1 share, but your average price will also increase, and then the market share price will also be raised.
consealit : Dont listen to him he is bs
Airbags OP OptionsKing : oh right
101670657 Airbags OP : report this liar
Rollercoaster05 OptionsKing : lollllll
101670657 : The shorties are already scared, so they're trying their best to spread fake news.
WeiTheSaint469 OptionsKing : You know it will be converted to same value. just fluctuates alot more since rs decreases total shares.
OptionsKing : If I'm so full of it, why yall getting mad and why is it tanking....
eh2021 : No benefits, just more losses
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