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Is anybody else just straight up curious what’s gonna happen with Pegy?

$Pineapple Energy (PEGY.US)$ There’s so many unique factors at play...the split, Scott’s efforts to cease and desist illegal shorters....their platinum reputation ...the fact their intrinsic value is just over $1/ share (based of alphaspread’s ai analysis).....im buying , holding, and watching with interest. what do you guys and gals think? would love to hear multiple peoples’ THINKING towards Pegy. 👍
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  • Daight : the value is before rs or after rs? if pegy can't fix shorter pegy has no future. in fact pegy's most important thing to do is fix shorting over any other good news, else whatever good news pegy released will get pressed down back to oblivion.

  • MoonGazer OP Daight : You did read the article that Scott specifically hired a company with proprietary tech that analyzes illegal shorts and identifies the shorter, making them liable in the court of law. Just announcing this should put a little fear in those now not-so-anonymous sneaks.  This is cutting edge stuff... actually first shorter protection company I’ve heard of.... and ceo clearly states he plans on getting the true value raised to meet nasdaq trading standards...meaning a buck a share min so no more penny play.  I’m excited imagining options in Pegy

  • MoonGazer OP Daight : Btw...you seeing this spike?

  • Daight MoonGazer OP : I'm just clarifying if the ai considered the value with rs in the calculation or not, since after rs it would be $1++ which is also what the ai calculated.

    the company about anti shorting, gotta see how good they are first. just a hypothesis, what if the ones who are shorting are from other countries, like china for example? Can they do anything about it?

    I also wish pegy would rise, but now I wish pegy has no bad news in the coming future, because public sentiment about this stock is not good due to the shorter trying to bankrupt this company so they won't have to pay back shares at all, any bad news would send pegy pummel down.

    if they can catch the shorter then this company would of course have a bright future ahead.

  • Daight MoonGazer OP : pegy will most likely go up, nobody selling below 0.110, shorter have 700k++ shares to cover before rs.

    let's all hope pegy will rise instead of falling after rs. [undefined]
    to hell with the shorties. [undefined]

  • MoonGazer OP Daight : I don’t know how ai analyzes all the factors, but it showed  intrinsic value over a buck two weeks ago, before the rs announcement, and it still shows above a buck as of this morning.  Now, as far as if they catch the shorter/s...the very fact they might get caught because there’s now a way of catching them is fantastic....and that this new CEO Scott Msnkin has done all this in less than two weeks shows me a fucking stud nimble minded leader ready to make good on his very public claims he’ll get the company up to its true value.   You can choose doubt and fear, always, in any situation....but this is just a fun and possibly prosperous fiasco unfolding I’m very much enjoying being a part of.  You know?

  • MoonGazer OP : We’ll see if the company can do what it claims....Pegy  is getting shorted hardcore as a type this

  • Daight MoonGazer OP : I don't doubt Scott too. You and I are on the same team brudder. I just hope the company which Scott hires is good. [undefined]
    let's all profit from the shorter's pocket soon!

  • Father-Flash : why are there no wholesome threads like this on the other pennies i watch?
    ty all for the education.

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