taichimaster : Me!
PokaiTrader : Liking what I see; pure (almost) SG REIT play, so less exposed to fx fluctuations. Decent DPU; accumulate for long term dividend.
2024V13 : from latest quarter update cost of debt climbed to 4.5% - they are paying more interest which of cos will eat into dividends
2024V13 : oue official account here is hogging the comments page
taichimaster : Me!
PokaiTrader : Liking what I see; pure (almost) SG REIT play, so less exposed to fx fluctuations. Decent DPU; accumulate for long term dividend.
2024V13 : from latest quarter update cost of debt climbed to 4.5% - they are paying more interest which of cos will eat into dividends
2024V13 : oue official account here is hogging the comments page