If it's SOXX, the agency is buying closer, and the individual is overselling; the fact that the agency is buying closer means they think they will come back once the sale goes round, and the agency is also the same person, so I don't know if that prediction comes true, but I can trust it more than individuals
182529392 : What does that mean?
J_M_RIN OP 182529392 : If it's SOXX, the agency is buying closer, and the individual is overselling; the fact that the agency is buying closer means they think they will come back once the sale goes round, and the agency is also the same person, so I don't know if that prediction comes true, but I can trust it more than individuals
182529392 : going down? will it go up?
J_M_RIN OP 182529392 : If institutions keep or buy more, and individuals come back, it will go up
J_M_RIN OP : Please note that it is not possible to tell the trend in 1 day