圆圆c : Holding all banking sectors are falling, don't panic
Skylar95 : Hold for long term dividend investing, if you have cash, add more position to average down
Skylar95 : But your average cost is high…you just bought it today?
mystyl3 OP Skylar95 : thanks for the message, i will invest more to down average then..
103427079 : Continue to hold, dont panic, you are dealing with blue chip stock which long term winning
韭菜小散户 : For this amount of capital, just hold and keep buying, dip more buy more
韭菜小散户 : You cannot go wrong with maybank, just keep buying
股股下 : Long-term investment has its unique characteristics! State-owned national treasures supported by the country! No need to panic!
Stevechoy : Don’t panic bro, I bought on 10.66🫣
圆圆c : Holding all banking sectors are falling, don't panic
Skylar95 : Hold for long term dividend investing, if you have cash, add more position to average down
Skylar95 : But your average cost is high…you just bought it today?
mystyl3 OP Skylar95 : thanks for the message, i will invest more to down average then..
103427079 : Continue to hold, dont panic, you are dealing with blue chip stock which long term winning
韭菜小散户 : For this amount of capital, just hold and keep buying, dip more buy more
韭菜小散户 : You cannot go wrong with maybank, just keep buying
股股下 : Long-term investment has its unique characteristics! State-owned national treasures supported by the country! No need to panic!
Stevechoy : Don’t panic bro, I bought on 10.66🫣