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Israel and Hamas cease-fire negotiations

The cease-fire negotiations between Hamas and Israel have been protracted with little sign of a breakthrough that would bring relief to Gaza.
Negotiation attempts began in November, and Hamas called for the cessation of all hostilities, the release of thousands of Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails, and the return of refugees from northern Gaza.
Israel has shown reluctance to respond to these demands.
In June, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that while he wanted a “partial” deal to return Israeli prisoners of war, he did not want to end the devastating war that killed more than 0.04 million people, uprooted almost the entire population of Gaza, and resulted in large-scale famines and outbreaks of deadly but preventable diseases.
Egypt, Qatar, and the United States continue to mediate, but Israel's failure to stop the war on Gaza interferes with the agreement, according to experts and Israeli government officials.
The following is a timeline of cease-fire negotiations after October 7.
Israel and Hamas cease-fire negotiations
August 15
Prime Minister Netanyahu is still being criticized for blocking the deal
It was reported that he strengthened the negotiating team's position and insisted that the Israeli military must continue to control the southern border of Gaza.
He is also calling for security checkpoints to be set up to search for Palestinians who want to return to their homes in northern Gaza.
Israel will dispatch a team to the cease-fire talks in Doha convened by the United States, Egypt, and Qatar. According to reports, the Hamas side did not dispatch representatives, but it is said that they told intermediaries that they intend to meet after discussions have ended in order to determine whether the Israeli side is serious about the cease-fire proposal.
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